
Standing Liaison Round Table (SLRT)

Taking collaboration to the next level, BBioNets proposed and established the Standing Liaison Round Table (SLRT) - a platform designed to go beyond individual partnerships and bring together multiple EU-funded projects. By combining different viewpoints, approaches, and expertise, the SLRT fosters meaningful connections and creates opportunities for collaboration across projects. It ensures that results reach a wider audience by expanding outreach, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring cross-fertilisation. With a focus on projects that share similar goals, the SLRT encourages joint activities and helps participants align on a long-term strategy through a collective roadmap. This approach amplifies the impact of each project, driving innovation and sustainable resource management across the bioeconomy.
BRILIAN has been conceived to support the adoption of sustainable, cooperative business models in rural areas and enable a better transition to bio-based economies, playing a pivotal role in revitalising these regions and fostering sustainable economic and social development, making primary producers active actors of the supply chain. BRILIAN will implement a multi-actor approach for the validation of a group of Actions for the Bio Innovation.
scale up
SCALE-UP aims to adapt, implement and evaluate tools to help regional actors to overcome the apparent bottlenecks towards fully exploiting bioeconomy potentials in their region. Its goals include: 1. Increased capacity of regional multi-actor partnerships to accelerate the development of marketable bio-based products and services; 2. Strengthened collaboration between primary producers, SMEs, clusters, social actors, and policymakers; 3. Improved knowledge about nutrient recycling potentials in regional bioeconomies; 4. High level of awareness and understanding of the bioeconomy and its impacts on local communities; 5. Promotion of a sustainable, inclusive and just regional bioeconomy.
SYMBA aims at creating a new and innovative Industrial Symbiosis (IS) method to be replicated within EU according to the local/regional bio-based industrial ecosystem. It will implement a user-friendly and accessible AI database suggesting regional IS innovative processes to create zero-waste value chains, ensuring more local supply chains; a better distribution of economic and social benefits among the stakeholders and an increase in the economic value of final products.
BIO2REG aims to help greenhouse gas-intensive economies unlock their bioeconomy potential by moving towards model regions. The project will encourage interregional exchange and cooperation, providing regional stakeholders with a conceptual framework for regionalisation in model regions. This involves mapping best practices in a circular and sustainable bioeconomy, assessing bioeconomy potential, offering mentoring and training, forming transition alliances, and making policy recommendations.
PRIMED will co-create innovative forms of cooperation to integrate primary producers in novel bioeconomy value chains with a multi-actor approach. To do so, PRIMED will develop new Circular Business Models in Bioeconomy (CBMB) to produce high-value biobased products through advanced biorefineries and will demonstrate them in five Living Labs (LLab). PRIMED will also empower multi-actors to co-design a collaborative ecosystem to accelerate the bioeconomy, with an Open Access knowledge hub and toolkit (PRIMED digital toolbox).
SMURF is a transformative project aimed at providing sustainable solutions that benefit the entire European forest-based value chain. It is aligned with the EU’s Forest Strategy 2030 and will work over the next four years to enable 20 million forest owners across Europe to generate economic activity and provide employment in forests, while managing forests to conserve and adapt to climate change.
NUTRI-KNOW aims at improving nutrient management practices in European agriculture. By consolidating knowledge from various EIP-AGRI Operational Groups across EU member states, it seeks to address urgent needs, challenges, and opportunities for farmers. Through a platform and thematic network, NUTRI-KNOW aims to facilitate the exchange of information, strengthen knowledge flows, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Ultimately, the project aims to reduce reliance on imported mineral fertilisers, improve agricultural and environmental management, and enhance the overall efficiency and sustainability of the European agri-food sector.
ShapingBio aims to support and accelerate bioeconomy innovation and the deployment of new knowledge in the EU and its member states. More specifically, it will provide evidence-based and concrete information and recommendations for better policy alignment and stakeholder actions to realise the cross-sectoral potential of the bioeconomy and to reduce the fragmentation across bio-based sectors and food system and policies across regions, domains and governance levels. ShapingBio will therefore work on creating a better understanding and information basis of the bioeconomy innovation eco-system by providing a comprehensive mapping and analysis of initiatives, structures, policy instruments and key gaps across the EU macro-regions and different sectors related to policy and governance, applied R&D and technology transfer, collaboration (cross-sectoral), financing.
By connecting farmers, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, Soil-X-Change aims to enhance Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems, promoting sustainability, smart agriculture, and climate-neutrality. It focuses on harmonising and disseminating research and practical solutions through an EU-wide network of European Innovation Partnership Operational Groups. Soil-X-Change emphasises co-design and co-creation, developing user-friendly tools like a data dashboard and adaptation guide to empower farmers with actionable knowledge. The initiative seeks to foster sustainable soil management, contributing to a healthier agricultural ecosystem and a sustainable food production system.
Primary production in agriculture and forestry represents an essential part of the European circular bioeconomy. However, the involvement of primary producers in the circular bio-based economy is still limited, and the benefits are in most cases not fairly distributed along the value chain, to the disadvantage of primary producers. Fair and sustainable business models that create opportunities for rural entrepreneurship and develop new forms of successful rural business are therefore needed.
C4B business models will be designed to balance the share of power and profits across novel bio-based value chains to accelerate the development of rural communities and their economic viability and enhance the cooperation among farmers, foresters and industry.
The FOREST4EU project (European innovation partnership network promoting operational group dedicated to forestry and agroforestry) aims at connecting existing Operational Groups (OGs) from different countries around Europe, in order to favour the transfer of knowledge and best practices between experts in this field. The project will establish 5 multi-actor EU cross-countries Innovation Topic Hubs (ITHubs) related to 5 identified topics in forestry and agroforestry sectors: wood mobilisation; forest adaptation to climate change; improving approaches, models and tools of sustainable forest management; non-wood forests products; and agroforestry. The ITHubs will act as cooperation and innovation networks for an efficient knowledge transfer-exchange between different regions in Europe.
NUTRI-CHECK NET aims to establish a self-sustaining, multi-actor, Thematic Network that builds farm-level adoption of best field-specific nutrient management practices across Europe. In nine countries farmers’ Crop Nutrition Clubs (CNC) will identify and share the nature of their uncertainties about crop nutrition, their challenges and barriers to change. Decision-systems and nutrition tools (including commercial products, services, and recent research outputs) will be assembled by national experts from across Europe, including leading farmers, into a common online NUTRI-CHECK NET platform. CNCs will then evaluate the effectiveness of new protocols and tools selected from the toolbox to meet their main challenges.
The BOOST4BIOEAST (B4B) project was developed to support the BIOEAST Initiative, and aims to empower national stakeholders in the Central Eastern European and Baltic countries for the development of national bioeconomy action plans and to build long-lasting structures and spaces of dialogue for national and macro-regional cooperation.
The project follows the footsteps of its predecessor, the BIOEASTsUP H2020 project, building upon its outcomes that laid the foundation for macro-regional networking among bioeconomy experts and policymakers through the development of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (BIOEAST SRIA) and 11 Bioeconomy Concept Papers of 2022.
