
BBioNets vision

Grassroots initiatives at the heart of change: bolstering biomass reuse with Bio-Based Technologies (BBTs) and supporting climate resilience through mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, circular economy and zero waste principles
Bio-Based Technologies – what are they?
Technologies or practices that use non-food feedstock, circularity principles or both to deliver diverse products.
-Indicative examples-

What we do

BBioNets is a thematic network that relies on, promotes and further advances the work carried out by EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OGs) with respect to the management and/or processing of agricultural and forest biomass with BBTs

We help farmers, foresters and the wider society to adopt BBTs by:
• raising awareness of their social, economic & environmental benefits
• informing of BBT-related opportunities for vulnerable groups
• organising knowledge exchange workshops
• providing a BBTs assessment tool
• offering customised knowledge and solutions

We highlight the role & importance of EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OGs) as promoters of farmers’ and foresters’ vested interests
Thematic networks
Multi-actor projects which collect existing knowledge and best practices on a given theme to make it available in easily understandable formats for end users such as farmers, foresters, advisers and others.
EIP-AGRI Operational Group
A group of people with complementary knowledge (e.g. practical, scientific, technical, organisational expertise, etc.) who co-create practical solutions for agriculture, forestry and rural communities in an innovation project of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI).

How we proceed

To ensure that all Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) stakeholders are represented in a balanced way, BBioNets applies the quintuple helix model (academia, industry, government, civil society, environment) and a multi-actor approach:

6 Forest and Agriculture Networks (FANs) in Ireland, Spain, Greece, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic, that act as seeds for innovation and sustainability ecosystems by
• engaging regional stakeholders in the identification of local/actual needs
• helping understand regional dynamics and practices
• co-designing suitable local solutions in terms of BBTs
Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS)
The concept of Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) is used to describe how people and organisations join together to promote mutual learning, to generate, share, and use agriculture-related knowledge and information.

What we advocate for

BBTs Infographic
FANs confer and interact cross-regionally, bolstering cooperation among primary producers, industry, policy makers and researchers at different geographical levels. They stimulate cross-fertilisation beyond borders and bring Europe to the forefront of farming, forestry and bioeconomy with
economically viable and sustainable practices.
European Transnational Regions (ETRs)
Transnational cooperation, known as Interreg B, allows for cooperation over larger transnational territories or around sea basins. It aims at promoting better cooperation across countries within the designated regions to find effcient solutions to common territorial, economic and social challenges, which are too broad to be dealt with effciently at a national level.
Αt several levels and through a wide range of activities:
• Info-days and knowledge transfer activities
• Capacity building workshops for advisors & other multipliers
• Mentoring to farmers and foresters
• Dedicated policy workshops
Cross-regionally – European Transnational level (ETRs)
• Mutual learning exchanges across regions with common characteristics
Europe-wide approach
• Interconnection and cross-fertilisation meetings of Forest and Agriculture Networks
• Networking and capacity building seminar for Agriculture and Forestry advisors and value chain intermediaries
• International policy event for EIP-AGRI, AKIS stakeholders and other relevant policy makers
Learn more about the project identity
