
Sustainability at the core of innovative knowledge

BBioNets – An EU-Funded Thematic Network
to Boost the Adoption of Bio-Based Technologies

BBioNets will rely on, promote, and further advance the work carried out by EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OGs) with respect to management and/or processing of agricultural and forest biomass with Bio-Based Technologies (BBTs).

Applying the quintuple helix model and a multi-actor approach both within the consortium itself and on the ground activities, BBioNets will set up 6 regional Forest and Agriculture Networks - FANs (IE, EL, ES, IT, PL, CZ) that will ensure balanced representation of all AKIS stakeholders.
FANs will identify local needs and, through co-creation and joint actions, prioritise specific BBTs, benefit from and validate knowledge material developed by the consortium building on previous OG and EU-funded project results.

They will assist BBioNets in sharing BBT knowledge ready for practice to farmers and foresters, boosting the (re)definition of value chains, stimulating cross-fertilisation beyond borders, and bringing Europe to the forefront of farming, forestry, and bioeconomy with economically viable and sustainable practices
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BBioNets in a nutshell

Duration: 1 November 2023 – 31 October 2026
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Coming Soon

BBioNets will develop a BBTs assessment tool that, using quantitative and qualitative variables, will analyse their cost and benefits. It will match each target region’s needs and resources to the most suitable BBTs, based on technical, environmental, economic, and social aspects. It will provide farmers and foresters with viable sustainable alternatives and their cost effectiveness pros and cons, allowing them to make more-informed and evidence-based decisions that benefit both themselves and the environment. The tool and its user manual will be easily accessible on the BBioNets online knowledge platform.
BBioNets foresees the creation of useful and appealing material to provide information on BBTs deemed most suitable to each represented region’s identified needs and available resources. In accordance to each FAN’s communication needs, the material will be presented – and translated whenever relevant – in a language easy to understand by farmers and foresters. It will consist of ‘storytelling’ video-testimonials featuring primary producers who applied specific BBTs, short BBT-descriptive videos, factsheets, infographics & practice abstracts in the EIP-AGRI format. All items produced will be easily accessible on the BBioNets online knowledge platform.
To ensure the long-term impact of its results, BBioNets will provide easy access to its inventory of collected information, the BBTs assessment tool, and all material produced on its own online knowledge platform that will act as a free online repository, accessible through the project website. The platform will be enriched on a permanent basis with input provided by the FANs, farmers and foresters, and the fruitful exchanges and co-creation activities held with relevant initiatives.
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BBionets platform


Munster Technological University (Ireland)
Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Ireland)
Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of the Agricultural Economy (Italy)
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (Poland)
Technological Corporation of Andalusia (Spain)
American Farm School – Perrotis College (Greece)
TEPRO Consultores Agrícolas (Spain)
FOCUS Strategic Thinking Consultants (Greece)
BIOEAST HUB CR (Czech Republic)
